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Endodontic Procedures

Traumatic Injuries

The damage done to tooth from trauma can have a negative impact on the dental pulp. The severity of the damage will dictate the prognosis and the appropriate treatment required. Listed below are some of the classifications of trauma that occurs to tooth.

  • Uncomplicated crown fracture
  • Complicated crown fracture
  • Crown-root fracture
  • Root-fracture
  • Alveolar bone fracture
  • Concussion
  • Subluxation
  • Extrusive luxation
  • Lateral luxation
  • Intrusive luxation
  • Avulsion

Your endodontist/dentist will advise you on the appropriate treatment options depending on the type of injury sustained to the tooth.

Injuries in immature tooth

An injured immature tooth may need to have the following procedure to improve the chance of saving the tooth.


Apexogenesis is defined as a vital pulp therapy procedure performed to restore physiological development of the apical root end. The process involves removal of the inflamed pulp and the placement of calcium hydroxide/MTA on the remaining healthy pulp tissue.


Apexification is the term indicated for endodontic treatment of necrotic infected pulps in permanent immature teeth with incomplete root formation. The goal of apexification is to induce closure of the open apex (apical barrier) by disinfecting and debriding the coronal and radicular tissues and placing a biocompatible material.


A technique that uses the blood clot matrix and antibiotic pastes in disinfected root canal systems to re-establish a vascular supply and to allow repair of the tissues.

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